Sunday, 16 January 2011

my impression ( retrospectively) of the causeway across to this incredible place, and the importance( if any) of mankind upon this place of beauty
This is a retrospective impression i have stumbled upon ofLlindisfarne and in particular the causeway that connects the mainland to the island. I'm not religious but this place was eerily holy!

somewhere in norfolk

This is a simple impression of two/three(?) figures
on a vast expanse of beach enjoying the simple pleasure and wonder of a sunset

cockle pickers

This is a place beyond beauty in nofolk. For two weeks a year, we live from the sea and rediscover love and life in every sense, love of friends and of nature. This image is available as a very limited edition ( 20 only) signed and numbered giclee print

abstract nude on beach

A forlorn figure on a beach at sunset
This pink form?thing is over-indulging in its own sense of misery/tragedy!!!!!!!!!!!
this piece is entitled "family 1" it represents the fact that families generally share the same DNA and family characteristics ( hence the colours) however some family members have different personalities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again this is a particular place in Norfolk, one of the so-called " 5 bridges"...nuff said

cockle pickers looking towards Blakeney

Again, simple pleasures of a summer holiday

lots of stuff

A lot has been happening (creatively speaking) since my last blog..around 1866!!! without furtyher ado..the stuff i've been working on